
Piter-IX is a network of geographically separated traffic exchange points connected by Nx10G or 40G data transmission channels. In each geographical location, points of presence are located in places where operators and content are concentrated. Within one location, the sites are connected by a high-speed network. Between locations of different regions, the connection is implemented via Nx100G/N*10G channels. The Piter-IX network uses Cisco and Juniper equipment.

More than 21 points of presence in an integrated traffic exchange network are located in 15 cities: Tallinn, Helsinki, Riga, Frankfurt, Bishkek, Saint-Petersburg, Moscow, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Perm, Ekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Chelyabinsk, Irkutsk, Samara. In Moscow, the project is present in the M9, Ixcellerate and TehnoGorod data centers; in St. Petersburg it is present in 7 data centers: BM18, Miran, K12/Raduga-2, Selectel, Imaqliq, Bonch-IT, Borovaya d. 57, ports 10G/40G/100G. In St. Petersburg Piter-IX have own DWDM and MetroEthernet networks in all St.Petersburg city regions.

Points of


Frankfurt Riga Tallin Helsinki St. Petersburg Moscow
Name Ports Wave Vlan Vlan QinQ RemoteIX
1NewTelcoMoenchhofstrasse 24
2Equinix FR5Kleyerstrasse 90
Name Ports Wave Vlan Vlan QinQ RemoteIX
1LVRTCZakusalas krastmala 1
Name Ports Wave Vlan Vlan QinQ RemoteIX
1INFONET DC3R Laevastiku
2Telia GroupSõle 14D
Name Ports Wave Vlan Vlan QinQ RemoteIX
1DigitaJämsänkatu 2
Name Ports Wave Vlan Vlan QinQ RemoteIX
1ЦОИ «Большая Морская 18» 10G, 40G + + + +
2ИВЦ РЖД «Боровая 57» 10G, 40G + + + +
3Бонч-ITнаб. реки Мойки, 61 10G, 40G + + + +
4Радуга-2ул. Кантемировская, д. 12 10G, 40G + + + +
5Miran LtdПироговская наб., 17к7 10G - + + +
6Selectel Ltd.Цветочная, д. 21, лит. А 10G, 40G + + + +
7IMAQLIQ SERVICE Ltdул. Седова, 11Б
Name Ports Wave Vlan Vlan QinQ RemoteIX
1АО «ММТС-9»ул. Бутлерова, д. 7.
2IXcellerateАлтуфьевское шоссе, дом 33Г